CIL Events

CIL builds understanding and community through an exchange of learning among diverse groups and individuals. See upcoming events below as well as past events for an idea of their breadth and quality.

2024 Program Offerings

"Dreaming - A Spiritual Practice"

With Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. - Author and Psychologist of Religion

Thursday, December 5, 2024
7-9 PM EST - Zoom Event 
$12 CIL members
$15 Non members
Once you have registered, you will be sent a zoom  link for this event via email.
Please note: registrants do not need a PayPal account to make payment for this workshop. You can enter your credit card information as usual and the payment will be deducted from your account. PayPal simply processes the payment.

Dreams can be an incredibly profound and highly personalized source of spiritual insight, guidance, healing, and transformation, all across one's life span, from early childhood to old age and death. I see dreaming as a positive social resource in such times, especially since it's available to everyone, always, without any special training, just an open mind and an open heart.

During this live Zoom meeting and discussion, Dr. Bulkeley will present new research and methods in the practice of dream journaling, which are very exciting. Jung and others have mentioned the importance of studying dreams in series, not just one at a time, and Dr. Bulkeley believes that's more true than ever. New tools and technologies are revealing patterns of dream content that can help us better understand ourselves psychologically, culturally, and spiritually.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., is a psychologist of religion focusing on dream research. He is Director of the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb), Senior Editor of the journal Dreaming, and former president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. His books include Dreaming in the World’s Religions (2008), Big Dreams (2016), Lucrecia the Dreamer (2018), Escape from Mercury (2022), The Scribes of Sleep (2023), 2020 Dreams (2023), and The Spirituality of Dreaming (2023). He lives in Estacada, Oregon, USA. 

You can learn more about Dr. Bulkeley's work at his website:

"Personal Narrative: Transforming Haunting Ghosts into Healing Guests"

with Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph. D.

Thursday, January 2, 2025
Via Zoom
$17 CIL members
$20 Non members
Once you have registered, you will be sent a zoom link for this event via email.

Please note: registrants do not need a PayPal account to make payment for this workshop. You can enter your credit card information as usual and the payment will be deducted from your account. PayPal simply processes the payment. 

Rather than conceptualize the power of ghosts that haunt us, I offer a personal narrative of ghost energies that have shaped my life for decades. In the creation of this story, I discovered the single most central archetype that has given this ghostly presence its unlimited energy. James Hollis's illuminating text, Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives (2013/2015), has been a major inspiration for these reflections. They led me to consider an alternative to dispelling our ghosts: inviting them in as guests. The shift from haunting ghosts to healing guests can offer a new story to live by, one that constructs our identity more fully and generously on our individuation pilgrimage. 

Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. has been teaching for over fifty years, from elementary special education teacher to secondary school students, and on to undergraduate and graduate students. He has taught at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture for ten years as well as the Fairhope Institute for Teachers for seven years in Fairhope, Alabama. He is currently Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Pacifica Graduate Institute, a Fellow of the Dallas Institute and faculty member of The Jung Platform, directed by therapist Machiel Klerk. He has also taught student inmates in a major California prison using the thought of Joseph Campbell on personal myth. 

Dr. Slattery is the author, co-author, editor or co-editor of 33 volumes, including seven volumes of poetry and one co-authored novel, as well as dozens of articles, podcasts and op-eds in newspapers and magazines. His most recent publications include The Way of Myth: Stories' Subtle Wisdom and The Fictions in Our Convictions: Essays on the Cultural Imagination.  

Learn more about Dr. Slattery at his website:

Past Events and Speakers

David Whyte

Noted Poet & Author. “The Frontier of our Lives: Courageous Steps & Radical Simplifications” (2002)

View his website here.

Ysaye Barnwell

Ysaye Maria Barnwell  is an American singer and composer. Barnwell was a member of the African American a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock from 1979 to 2013.

Dr. James Finley

Student of Thomas Merton and clinical psychologist, Dr. James Finley teaches how connecting to our Divine indwelling can transcend fear and shame and awaken to our True Self. A faculty member at the Center for Action and Contemplation, he is the author of "Merton’s Palace of Nowhere" and "The Contemplative Heart", and the host of CAC’s podcast Turning to the Mystics.

Dr. Alan Fox

Alan Fox is an awarded Professor of Asian and Comparative Philosophy and Religion in the Philosophy Department at the University of Delaware.

Thomas Moore

Best-selling author, Therapist, Speaker
"Care of the Soul" and "A Religion of One's Own" (2014)

View his website here.

Christian Wiman

Noted Poet, translator, editor, and essayist. “Hammer Is Prayer” (2016)

View his website here.

James Hollis

Jungian psychoanalyst and the author of eighteen books.

View his website here.

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault

Principal Teacher and Advisor to the Contemplative Society. "The Wisdom Way of Knowing" (2006)

View her website here.

John Phillip Newel

John Philip Newell, PhD, is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being.

View his website here.

Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy Taylor, sometimes called the “Johnny Appleseed of Dreamwork,” He was an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and had worked with dreams for over sixty years.

View his website here.

Carrie Newcomer

Carrie Newcomer is an American singer, songwriter and author. She has produced 19 solo CDs and has received numerous awards for her music and related charitable activities.

View her website here.

Dr. Marcus Borg

Leading historical Jesus scholar
"New Insights into the Nature of God" (2003
"God, Faith, Transformation: A New Way of Looking at our Religious Traditions" (2005),
"Being Christian in the 21st Century" (October 2012)

View his website here.

Kathleen Dowling Singh

"The Grace in Dying" (2015)

View her Facebook page here.

Sam Keen

Author and co-producer of an award winning PBS documentary, "Faces of the Enemy". His work was the subject of a PBS special "Your Mythic Journey with Sam Keen. A Spirited Life in a Secular Age" (2011)

View his website here.

Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox is a spiritual theologian, an Episcopal priest and an activist for gender justice and eco-justice. He has written 37 books including "Original Blessing".  Fox is the founder of the University of Creation Spirituality in California.

View his website here.

Roger Housden

"Love Language: Writing Your Heart Out Author, Speaker, Writing Guide"

View his website  here.

Jim Wallis

Jim Wallis is the Director of Center on Faith and Justice and inaugural chair in Faith and Justice at the McCourt School of Public Policy.

View his website here.

Monica Wikman

Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness was published by Nicolas-Hayes in 2005

View his website here.

Brian McClaren

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is a passionate advocate for "a new kind of Christianity"

View his website here.

Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein is the author of numerous essays and books, including "Sacred Economics", "Climate—A New Story", and "The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible".

View his website here.